I always enjoy shooting engagement proposals for customers when the gentleman books the photography service well in advance of the event date. The gentleman and I can plan the pre-proposal walk together and also pick the perfect spot for the big moment. During the pre-proposal walk and the big moment, I am taking photos secretly of the couple from the surrounding areas using a very long telephoto lens. She has no idea that she is being photographed until a special day in the future when he surprises her with the set of engagement proposal photos. Shooting the engagement proposal secretly allows the gentleman to draw out the amount of surprise for maximum enjoyment by the couple. In this example, the couple was engaged during early November and the gentleman waited until Christmas morning on December 25th to show her the prints of the engagament proposal photos that she did not know existed. This candid style of secret engagement proposal photography was shot in Whistler resort. The couple walked through the main village, then to the very scenic park and ended up at the luxury Four Seasons Hotel in the Upper Village.